Capacity Building Workshops in Research Consultancies
Thousands of people are making a lot of money globally as development consultants. These people are experts in research but they were not born experts. Somehow, somewhere, they were lucky to get an opportunity for capacity building or mentoring in doing development consultancies. Whether you are an NGO (local, regional or international) or an individual, the DSI team is ready to empower you through our workshops targeting skills transfer in:
(a) Preparation of expression of interest for advertised consultancy work.
(b) Fundamentals of preparing for a technical and financial proposal.
(c) Conducting baseline surveys
(d) Conducting mid-term and end of term project evaluations
(e) Conducting environmental impact assessments
(f) Accessing calls for consultancies
(g) Conducting feasibility studies for proposed projects
For capacity building in any of these modules/courses please contact us at DSI